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Finding the Real You

How often do we try to be the person we think we are supposed to be, instead of embracing who we really are?

painting brushes

I was lost in a moment of worship when I felt God whisper to my spirit, 'I want to use the real you'. It may sound like a cryptic statement to some, but I knew exactly what he meant, and it hit home.

He wanted me to know that he wants to use the authentic me, the person he created me to be, not the fake version of myself that I presented to him because I thought it was a better version of me.

How often do we try to be the person we think we are supposed to be, instead of embracing who we really are?

It's so easy to put on a mask and act the way we think would give us the most success, be the most liked, and even how we think God would find us most useful.

But authenticity is where we find our authority. When we let go of trying to be who we are not, and allow God to use us just the way he made us; that is when we find our purpose and are the most powerful in the Kingdom of God.

The truth is, there is only one you. When you are not living authentically, the world is missing out on the only you God ever created.

TBH though, sometimes I don't like the real me as much as I like other people lol. Can anyone relate??? "God, whyyyy didn't you make me more like her?" It's like Junior High all over again with the voice in your head telling you "You're so lame and nobody likes you so you should try to be more like her."

That's so dumb! Trying to be like someone else actually ends up robbing us of our true destiny because God's purpose for our lives is intricately tied to the persons he created us to be. Friend, the devil would love to rob you of your identity and keep the world from experiencing the masterpiece God created when he made you.

We need you to be YOU! We need your personality, your abilities, your voice, your leadership style, your spiritual gifts ----- YOU!

If you've drifted from being authentically you - take some time this summer to rediscover your identity. Peel back the layers of other people's expectations, pressure to perform, striving, people pleasing... and return to the YOU God created. He is crazy about the real you; that is the woman he is eager to pour out his anointing, favor and blessing on.

Here's to living authentic lives and walking in the purpose God has for us on this earth.

Much Love,


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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

My name is Josie Carignan and I head up Beloved women's ministry here at Uncommon Church. I'm so glad you've connected with us. 

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